10) Environmental Club- This club saves the world one plastic water bottle at a time. It’s members work hard to educate our school and the larger community about the harm humans are doing to the earth.
9) NHS- Everyone is aware of the NHS Thanksgiving Food Drive and the upcoming talent show. This organization makes Harriton and the world a better place to live in. They fundraise for good causes and are known for tutoring many Harriton students in various subjects.
8) TSA- They are the tech whizzes of the future. Members of TSA (Technology Student Association) build robots, design websites, and help their teachers figure out how to use projectors.
7) Student council- In charge of many beloved school events such as “Mr. Harriton” and “spirit week”, Student council is what makes Harriton run. You should take time out of your day to give Dan Carp or Laura Walzer a pat on the back or a friendly handshake to say “thank you, for making my school a better place”.
6) Build-On- Though they only meet on Tuesdays, they do good deeds all the time. This group is committed to bettering the world by volunteering on their own time. Many of them have even travelled to Africa in pursuit of changing the world for the better.
5) Mock Trial- If debate and HTC had a child, it would be “Mock Trial”. You can participate as a witness, a prosecutor, or a defense attorney and you must memorize the evidence and build your case. This club takes a large amount of work because, remember, your imaginary client’s life is in your high school hands.
4) Jazz Band- This is a band headed by Mr. Joseph that practices after school and performs at some Harriton sports events (most notably, football games). The members of jazz band put in many late nights perfecting their act in preparation for upcoming games. Though not exactly beloved by its members, this dedication earns it the number “4” spot.
3) Speech/debate- They meet once a week…they wear fancy suits to school sometimes…they kick butt at tournaments…they are speech/debate! Speech is acting without all of the excess. Members practice speaking pieces of many genres and learn to show emotion through their voices. Debaters discuss relevant issues; they spend much time researching and thinking creatively to argue whichever side they are asked to defend.
2) Science Olympiad- A club for anyone who loves studying, building, and being at school for a ridiculous amount of time. Known for their hardcore dedication to the team, Olympiad members study all types of science. Events range from microbe mission, to Astronomy, to Sounds of Music, and they have won the State Tournament for the past 13 years.
1) HTC- This club wins the number one spot for having the most members and the most enthusiastic members. Everyone from stage crew, to costume designers, to actors/actresses works tirelessly putting on excellent productions for the school. This club is a serious time commitment, but the fabulous shows indicate that this work is all well worth it.