Science Night at Northwood Academy
On February 3, Harriton’s Science Club had a successful science night at Northwood Academy in Philadelphia, where members of the club presented demos to elementary and middle school students.
The members of Science Club prepared various demos – from elephant toothpaste to smoke rings – that promote and peak interest in various fields of science. The gymnasium at Northwood had stations set up, and the elementary and middle school students were able to move around from one demo to the next. The night was a success, with one hundred kids in and their parents in attendance.
Sam Davis, co-president of Science Club, said, “The Science Night at Northwood was a hit. It was our second show at the school, and this year around a hundred people attended. We heard great feedback from kids, teachers, and parents. Considering the fewer numbers of Harriton participants this year (because of conflicts with other club events), Harriton did a great job communication to students, performing demos, and spreading enthusiasm to the students.”
Science Club’s main goal is to promote the field of Science to younger students in the greater area of Philadelphia where the STEM fields are less accomplished. The club is grateful to have a large number of versatile students, who are prepared to present a variety of demos, involved in the club. Everybody worked tirelessly to prepare for the night and make sure the kids who came out learned a lot and had a positive experience. Science Club does its best to further the education of science in schools that do not have many science-related opportunities. Many kids do not get to experience a proper chemistry, physics or biology class until they reach high school, and even then it is only optional. The Club’s goal is to encourage young students to further their education in science and pursue a future in STEM.
The club has shown great progress this year. This was the second of the various events the club has planned for this school year. There is another Science Night on March 11th at Cook Wissahickon. Also, Science Synergy, a non-profit ran by Harriton seniors Mirriam Lee and Sam Davis is having an upcoming competition on May 1st. If you are interested in joining the Harriton Science Club and helping young students develop an interest in science, please contact either Mirriam Lee, Sam Davis, or Mr. MacNichol.