Ram of the Week: Niosha Parvizi
Co-Officer of the Ronald McDonald Club
The Ronald McDonald club is a service based organization that aims to provide food for families whose children are currently undergoing cancer treatment. Today, we will take an inside look at the club and its initiatives by getting to know one of its officers, junior Niosha Parvizi.
When asked what participants in the club do, Niosha replied that “It is our job to go to the Ronald McDonald house in the city where we cook for families. The children of these families are undergoing cancer treatment at CHOP.”
She explained how the Ronald McDonald house offers these families cheaper places to stay while their children are being treated, describing it as a “rewarding experience.”
Niosha also has many additional responsibilities within the club, being one of two officers. Her responsibilities include fundraising, contacting administrators to book the kitchen, and running the club Instagram to get the word out.
As many can imagine, running an entire club while balancing a rigorous academic load and other extracurricular activities is a huge time commitment.
Niosha is currently a member of the IB program, Harriton Golf Team, FBLA, and serves as a Writing Fellow, freshman peer mentor, member of the Principal’s Advisory Board and an administrative assistant to Harriton Student Council.
Regarding the pressure of having such great responsibility, Niosha comments, “It’s stressful, obviously, but at the same time, if you can find the time to dedicate a few hours to small things like sending an email or planning out a meeting, you will get it done. You rely on the members to help you out with stuff, too, which creates a very tight knit group of people. I make sure to allot a certain amount of time for all my activities and I really prioritize this club because if I don’t, we won’t get our job done.”
The Ronald McDonald club has ambitious long term goals, such as raising $2,000 by the end of the 2019-20 school year. Parvizi also wants to do a CAS project on Ronald McDonald, which is an aspect of the IB program that requires students to fulfill hours in creativity, activity, and service. The breadth of the activity would fulfill all three content areas for Niosha.
Niosha notes that being a member and officer of the Ronald McDonald club has been a valuable and life changing experience for her. To Niosha, Ronald McDonald is more than just another club that she takes part in.
“I realize how important it is to be grateful for what we have, mainly our health. I want the members to enjoy their time doing it. This club requires passion, as well as commitment, and I’m looking to take it to the next level this year.”