Meet the Mr. Harriton Partners!
Although Mr. Harriton highlights ten male students from our school, it is important to recognize those who work and support the contestant behind the scenes: the Mr. Harriton partners. Behind every man, there is a woman, and this is no exception for our Mr. Harriton contestants. Through every dance routine, late night rehearsal, and pep talk the Mr. Harriton partners are right there and hard at work. These ladies are instrumental in making this show a success and today we are offering you an exclusive insight into their Mr. Harriton experience. This year, the partners are: Ben Seltzer (12) and Peyton Miller (11), Josh Foltz (12) and Emma Leyland (11), Griffin Kivitz (12) and Eva Jodar (12), Coby Levit (11) and Lindsey Taylor (11), Alex Dwyer (12) and Bella Bumbera (12), Jake Diamond-Reivich (11) and Alexa Foust (11), Nick Geaneotes (12) and Lindsay Nathanson (12), Noah Balistra (11) and Andrea Salas (11), Jansen Aoyama (12) and Sarah Depillis (12), Tristan Kevitch (12) and Mel Vizak (12). Together, these duos have made one incredible show for you and everyone should come out February 27th to watch them strut their stuff.
What is the most challenging thing about being an escort?
Keeping up with my partner because he is better than me. -Mel Vizak
Staying after school to practice for such long hours. -Eva Jodar
Not messing up Jake’s talent. -Alexa Foust
What is one thing you have found out about your partner through this experience?
Ben makes a lot of funny facial expressions when he dances. -Peyton Miller
Coby is a very aggressive dancer. -Lindsey Taylor
He always has a witty comment. -Alexa Foust
Tristan looks cute in an elf costume. -Mel Vizak
He is a very lucky guy. –Eva Jodar
Were you offended by the past years use of the term “escort?”
No. -Lindsey Taylor
No, not at all. -Alexa Foust
No, I loved it. -Eva Jodar
No. -Mel Vizak
Would you ever want there to be a Ms. Harriton competition?
No, it’s funny because it is guys. If girls did it, it would just be a beauty pageant. It is something about guys dancing which makes it funny. –Eva Jodar
No, that would turn into a beauty pageant. –Lindsey Taylor
Personally, I’m okay with one but I would never be in it I think it is more entertaining to watch the boys dance. -Mel Vizak
No, never if would be too catty. -Alexa Foust
Are you nervous for the competition?
As it gets closer it just gets more real but it is more of an excitement than nervousness. –Bella Bumbera
Should I be nervous? No, I’m not that nervous. –Eva Jodar
Just for Jake’s talent. -Alexa foust
I’m more excited than nervous. -Mel Vizak
What do you think it takes to be Mr. Harriton?
You have to be able to make fun of yourself. –Bella Bumbera
You have to be a great dancer and be sexy. -Eva Jodar
You have to be funny, good at dancing, and have a great video. –Lindsey Taylor
What are some backstage secrets?
We all try to touch Josh’s hair. –Bella Bumbera
Besides your partner, who is the favorite to win?
Coby. –Peyton Miller
Tristan. –Alexa Foust
Ben. –Lindsey Taylor
Tristan. –Sarah Depillis
Alex. –Mel Vizak
If you had the opportunity to showcase one of your talents during the competition, what would you do?
Rekindle my cello playing from fourth grade. –Lindsey Taylor
Surprise everyone by ballet dancing and then transitioning into hip-hop. –Bella Bumbera
What is your favorite part of the Mr. Harriton experience?
The partner dance. –Peyton Miller
The prestige and fame that comes with it. –Eva Jodar
Watching the boys dance and learning the dances. –Mel Vizak
Closest I’ll ever come to fame. –Lindsey Taylor