This is “Yes Theory”
Why Is It So Important?

Although our lives may be busy, often times we neglect experiences that help us grow, such as connecting with new people, because we are scared to take risks. Enter Yes Theory.
So, what is Yes Theory? According to Forbes, “at its core, Yes Theory is a movement that encourages individuals to say ‘yes’ to doing things that remove them from their comfort zone to grow as individuals. The group’s YouTube channel featuresMatt Dajer, Ammar Kandil and Thomas Brag.”
With 4.71 million subscribers on their Youtube channel, the brand’s videos have included collaborations withWill Smith and have featured them heli-bungee-ing (bungee jumping out of a helicopter) .

The group also has a merchandise brand called Seek Discomfort, which is growing not only as a business but also as a community. Seek Discomfort’s vision is to fund and guide other dreamers on their paths. Recently, the group had its first sponsored “dreamer,” who was a man that quit his day job and tried to be the first person to complete an Ironman in Antarctica. Yes Theory donated $15,000 to the man’s cause.
Yes Theory wants to unite people from different backgrounds; the group invited an Arab and an Israeli on a trip together, and the two became great friends afterwards. The group uses experiences like these to prove to their audience the importance of leaving the comfort zone to “seek discomfort.” Their goals include helping people to connect with one another and to grow on their career paths.
The concept of Yes Theory is applicable to everyday life—especially in high school. High school is a transitional period in which some people may feel uncomfortable around others, but this shyness can be broken if students seek discomfort by meeting new friends and participating in new experiences, like a club or a sports team.
Yes Theory teaches its viewers to work for their dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem at the moment.

Harrison is a senior and is excited for his fourth year at the Harriton Banner. In addition to the Banner, Harrison also runs the Business Journal for...