Preview of HTC’s Working

Following the 2021 Winter One Acts, which came to a close in January, the Harriton Theater Company has begun working on its springtime show: Working.
Working was first performed in December of 1977 at the Goodman Theater in Chicago, Illinois. Later that year, in May, it made its way to Broadway, performing at the 46th street theater. It has since premiered globally, from London to Singapore.
The show was adapted by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso from the book with the same name, written by Studs Terkel. Terkel’s book features interviews with people around the world with different occupations.
Working emphasizes the hard work and dedication of occupations we sometimes take for granted or that go unnoticed, along with more appreciated ones.
Some roles include a firefighter, office worker, mason, teacher, newspaper boy (or girl in Harriton’s case, as some roles have been gender-bent), waitress, mill worker, and more.
Last spring, Harriton was preparing to perform 9 to 5, composed by Dolly Parton, but COVID-19 struck a just week or two before the performance and stole the HTC Spring musical. Fortunately, they will have the opportunity this year, as they have been working hard on their third show of the year, now with in-person rehearsals and meetings for other parts of the company.
This show differs from the first two of the year because it is being prerecorded in the Harriton auditorium and live-streamed rather than acted out live on Zoom.
HTC is creating T-shirts, lawn signs, the display case, and promotion videos, all while rehearsing and preparing for recordings.
They are looking forward to the premiere on April 16th and 17th and can’t wait to see you all there!
Tickets will be sold at

Leah is a sophomore and is excited for her first year on the Banner. She enjoys writing for fun, especially about the things she is passionate about like...