Holiday Jams

It’s that time of year again! Lights are twinkling; trees are piled on top of cars; snow is waiting to fall; you’re reading cheesy Christmas lines in newspapers; and you can’t turn on the radio without the greeting of festive, holiday music.

There’s something so magical about the holidays. It’s incredibly cheesy and as mature high schoolers, we don’t want to admit it, but it’s true: the holidays just have the power to put everyone in a good mood. Music, especially, can transform you from a stressed, grumpy teenager back into that little kid that ran around and caught snowflakes with your tongue.

This year my Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/whichever holiday you have the pleasure of celebrating gift to you is this short playlist, a collection of the best holiday songs, in my humble opinion.


  1. “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey

Yes, I am aware how cheesy this is, especially with that video of Mariah prancing around in the snow. However, this song will inevitably put you into the holiday spirit. All of you big, tough men are lying when you say this song doesn’t make you smile.

  1. “Christmas Wrapping” by The Waitresses

This fun, upbeat song just gives the feeling that the holidays can change anything. For the whole song, she’s given up on Christmas, and yet at the end she’s happy and believes in the magic of the holiday again.

  1. “Baby it’s Cold Outside”

This song is the timeless classic of timeless classic holiday music. It’s just a simple, pure and beautiful duet best listened to under a blanket with an abundance of candles.

  1. “Santa Claus is Coming To Town” by Bruce Springsteen

This song gets everyone looking forward to something. The break, family, gifts, whatever it may be, this song just has that excited feeling to get everyone in the spirit.

  1. “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree”

This is the ultimate and perfect tree decorating song. Enough said.

  1. “Jingle Bell Rock”

Even before Mean Girls this song was wonderful. It just encompasses all of those winter feelings so well.

These are by no means the only good, festive holidays songs but they are some of the best. This holiday, bombard yourself with music that gives you that warm winter feeling. And as a general suggestion, steer clear of all music featuring donkeys or asking Santa for teeth, or hippos, or hula-hoops! Enjoy the Holidays, Harriton!