When Does Dieting Cross the Line?

Looking in the mirror, all find defects. Sometimes we believe that we’re too fat or hate the scars that we might have on our body. But at what point do we cross the line and create distorted images of ourselves?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the patient believes that they are overweight, when in reality they aren’t. Having this disorder might cause the patient to exercise, diet, or eat small portions of food. In addition, people with anorexia nervosa might have a loss of appetite. One of the symptoms that they might have is that the patient might constantly check their weight. Also, anorexia can not only occur in girls but also in boys.

The cause of anorexia is unknown because there are numerous factors that take part in this disorder, including biological factors and environmental factors. Some biological factors include genetics and nutritional deficiencies. Meanwhile, an environmental component may be having a profession in which you have to be slim, such as being a ballerina or a model. Another environmental determinant could be childhood trauma or growing up in an atmosphere where weight deficiency is promoted. In addition, people suffering from this condition may have a low self-esteem.

Often, the results of such disorders can lead to detrimental bodily costs and psychological costs, and may ultimately lead to amenorrhea in girls (when your menstrual cycle ceases), self-harm, and even death.

In numerous cases, an anorexic person may also become bulimic. People with bulimia nervosa undertake frequent binge-eating followed by expelling food. Some ways that they expel food is by throwing up, exercising, and the use of laxative.  According to anred.com, about 50% of people who have been anorexic develop bulimia or bulimic patterns. In addition, 1% of female adolescents have anorexia, which means that 1 out in 100 girls from the age of 10 to 20 are anorexic. Meanwhile, 10% of people with anorexia and bulimia are male.

Eating disorders are often the product of several elements, and consulting the right physicians, psychiatrists, and specialists is important to help cope with these illnesses.