RAM of the Week: Matt Binnion, Junior

RAM of the Week: Matt Binnion, Junior

Weighing in at five hundred pounds and at six foot one Matt Binnion is a force to be reckoned with. You can see Matt hustling on Harriton’s varsity soccer team or refining his finer skills as an avid member of the Latin club. No matter what he is up to, Matt is able to bring charisma and laughter wherever he goes making him this weeks pick as Ram of the Week.

Harriton Banner: How do you feel about the new health initiative at our school and the changes that have been made to the breakfast table?

Matt Binnion: The breakfast table is just something that everyone has to live with now. It’s not ideal but there are still some good things there.

HB: What is the best part about being on the soccer team?

MB: The best part about being on the soccer team is by far the team dinner and the bonding time that we have.

HB: Favorite thing to do after school?

MB: My favorite thing to do after school is to come home and sleep for about an hour before homework.

HB: What is your go-to snack?

MB: I would have to say my go-to snack would be some pasta.

HB: Pepperoni or plain?

MB: Pepperoni for sure.

HB: What actor would play you in a movie about yourself?

MB: If I had to have an actor play myself in a movie I would probably pick Adam Sandler just because it would be a funny movie.

HB: Best thing to do on the weekend?

MB: The best thing to do on the weekend is by far sleep.

HB: What motto do you live by?

MB: Never come in second.