Thor: The Dark World

Most of you probably remember back in 2011, when raving previews flooded the Internet and theaters carrying stories of the mighty Norse god of thunder. Dressed in metal war gear and adorned in a crimson cape, he went up against the most unexpected of enemies—his own brother. We watched as he battled and talked arrogantly through the mortal world to stop his kin from killing his father and taking the throne. Fear not, loyal fans, this extremely muscular, hammer-bearing god (portrayed by Chris Hemsworth) has returned at last. His second adventure debuts on November 8th, and the star remains flanked on all sides by his loyal band of friends who have followed his leadership through thick and thin, as well as his dedicated lover, Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman). The Thor: The Dark World trailer features the well-known hero facing new challenges and even turning to his evil brother for help.


“Some believe that before the universe, there was nothing. They’re wrong. There was darkness…and it has survived,” the trailer states as it launches into many picturesque clips of epic warfare and snapshots of glorious Asgard perched upon the Heavens. Brilliantly pieced together to get fans expecting a huge amount of action – and just the right amount of romance between the characters of Thor and Jane – the preview was posted on YouTube at August 7th on the channel of Marvel Entertainment (a Disney company), the subsidiary responsible for the production of the film. The preview currently has over ten million views. To promote this new film, it has been featured on several different late night shows and, much like other well-known blockbuster sequels, ads have popped up all over YouTube and movie websites. The theaters were raging with the trailers, riling up the crowd for something new from this hero. The Avengers, which aired in 2012, featured Thor alongside other renowned Marvel superheroes (e.g Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America). Their battle was—once again—against his brother, Loki. This film ended with Thor and Loki returning to Asgard, with Thor’s brother in chains to be sent to prison. Most of the viewers missed the clip hidden at the end of the credits of Thor – if there was any doubt of a sequel this clip eliminated it. Clearly, there was certainly more in store for our red-caped hero, and a new threat is on the rise, this time with an ability to “tear through the fabric of reality.”

A new director, Alan Taylor, has taken control of this sequel, whereas Shakespearean actor/director Kenneth Branagh had directed the first film. In an interview with ScreenRant, when asked how the two directors differ, Chris Hemsworth states, “Obviously, you know, with two different people you get two completely different styles, but also two very different stories – Origin story versus this sort of part of this ongoing [story] – it’s moving now, and especially since Avengers. [Alan Taylor] certainly didn’t come in with different angle or attitude on how Thor should be. We all sort of knew where it was headed, and had the same want to elevate it and take it to that next level…” Alan Taylor has also worked on several Games of Thrones episodes spread out through the span of 2011 and 2012.

Viewers who enjoyed Thor, as well as the Avengers, hope for an epic extension of the first movie ­– a blossoming romance between Jane and Thor plus just as much hammer-bashing action and slightly haughty dialogue from our main character. Hopefully this Norse god will face off with a new, more challenging enemy than his reoccurring spats with his trickster brother. (Although, everyone must admit we all secretly love Loki and his ability to hoodwink his slightly foolish brother.) Brace yourselves, Marvel fans, for a new film thrilling you with all the great elements that were featured in the Thor movies before!