The Most Difficult Feat: Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Most people would rather sit on their couches and watch the Olympics this year than undergo the burden of a Valentine’s date, but for those who are wondering about how to actually enjoy the romantic occasion, worry no more; the Banner will provide you with ideas for dates. Proceed with caution, since they may or may not be sarcastic. But hey, if it works for you, go ahead.

A frequently asked question: should the perfect Valentine’s date be dinner, lunch, or an activity? If you are looking for a formal occasion, you can always go out to dinner. For a more manageable price range and a relaxed atmosphere, try Bertucci’s, Cosi, or Corner Bakery. A coffee stop at Starbucks could be a perfect setting for Valentine’s Day, with the freshly brewed coffee aroma and the bustle of customers surrounding you and your date. Even IHOP would be a cute idea because of its even more casual yet fun atmosphere. Plus, who does not like pancakes? Only people you would not want to be on a date with.

If you are thinking of a more formal dinner date, consider Tango in Bryn Mawr, or Yangming. In general, going local is probably your best bet. There are a variety of fun easy-access places in our area that can be either classy or casual. However, for the real extremist, Italy is our definite recommendation. This romantic venue provides beautiful scenery and pasta.

If sitting down and eating in front of someone is too nerve wracking, an activity could be your other option. Instead of being obligated to have conversations and make sure there is nothing in your teeth, you two could go ice-skating, a perfect winter sport that both keeps your blood flowing and provides a memorable Valentine’s Day. Or try bungee-jumping, and, even better, make it a surprise for the other person. Simply make them close their eyes, set them up, and let them realize your great surprise as they start to descend. Perfect material to inspire a second date. Joking aside, surprises are really quite sweet and appropriate for Valentine’s Day. Maybe bring your date roses or a sentimental card.

A focal point for dates in general is finding a common interest. Make sure to know what your date ordinarily likes to eat or do because that could inspire your idea. For example if he or she likes bike riding, take a ride together…the icy February roads could only improve your experience. Another tip: keep it simple but creative. Just do not get too carried away, thus making it hard to enjoy. Simple touches can be really special. Anyone can tell you that the gift of a date’s favorite chocolate could make his or her Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day date ideas should come from your own mind in the end, but hopefully our suggestions helped. Valentine’s Day is all about happiness and enjoying a good time with the people you love, and as long as you have a good time, your date was well spent. In contrast to the rushing and stress of the school year, make Valentine’s Day act as a break from all the craziness this year…by taking part in it. Bungee jumping, anyone?