It’s Cuffing Season

Whether you’re trying to be trendy or just salvaging your look from the awkward “flood,” the cuff is the answer. The cuff is a very versatile look that can enhance your personal style with either skinny, straight-leg, or boyfriend jeans.

When it comes to the perfect cuff it’s all about the “golden ratio,” but what does this consist of? Dependent upon your look there are three types of cuffs that are guaranteed to step up your fashion game.

The first cuff consists of one, one-inch fold. Take the hem of your pants and fold once then check to see that both legs have the same size cuff. If you’re going for the cropped jean look and therefore want a shorter length for your pant, then you’re ready for the thick cuff. This cuff consists of two folds at one inch, taking 2 inches in total off your hem. If you’re rocking an edgier and tougher look, pinch the inseam of your jeans and fold (either at one inch or a half inch), this will make the cuff crumple and give a slouchier appearance.

When choosing from these three unique cuffs don’t be scared to add one to your outfit and then give it some of your own personality. Since the cuff comes in many shapes and sizes, it’s up to you to find what suits you best.  No matter the task — either adding some style to your favorite jeans or even trying to impress — there is no doubt that the cuff can get the job done.