The Fight for “Free RAM”

Students are outraged over the loss of “Free RAM”


Every freshman dreams of the day they can leave Harriton 30 minutes early during RAM. So, when students arrived this year and heard Mrs. Marcuson’s announcement getting rid of “Free RAM”, they were shocked. Previously, students could sign up for “Free RAM” and leave early instead of visiting a teacher at the end of the day. This option has been eradicated; the days of getting home 30 minutes early are over for the time being. Mrs. Marcuson said that the reason administration took away this privilege was so that they could better keep track of students.

When students heard the news, they were upset but inspired. Harriton students have begun fighting to get “Free RAM” back. Facebook groups and Twitter posts are popping up with students voicing their opinions. Although losing “Free RAM” was a disappointment, the way in which Harriton students are reacting shows how passionately students are willing to fight for something they believe in. Mrs. Marcuson is open to suggestions on how to improve the “Free RAM” system. The administration wants to find a way to help. Hopefully, both administration and students can find a way to compromise. If you have any ideas or comments about the administration’s removal of “Free RAM” – post them below!