Haley Morris: Lacrosse Extraordinaire

This year, sophomore Haley Morris impressively made varsity girls lacrosse, #1 in the state, after learning to play lacrosse only last year! How could someone make such a prestigious team with so little experience? We caught up with Haley and asked her a few questions— including challenges, favorite memories, and what’s in store for the future.

1) It’s really impressive you’ve only been playing lacrosse for a year and you made varsity! What motivated you to play lacrosse?

I never played a spring sport, but I always wanted to and lacrosse seemed really fun.  Coach D came to one of my basketball games one time and he told me that the sports are really similar, and that if i wanted to try it now would be a really good time to start. 

2) Were there any specific challenges in learning to play?

The catching and throwing was really hard for me in the beginning because I had never done it before. 

3) Do you have a favorite memory?

The Florida trip was really fun, and I also really like the team dinners that we have. 

4) How does lacrosse compare to the many other sports you play? (*Haley also plays basketball and Field Hockey*)

Lacrosse is really similar to basketball.  A lot of the defenses and breaks are the same, so that really helps me when we are learning something new. 

5) Do you see lacrosse in your future?

I really like it, and I definitely plan to play throughout high school. 

So now you know a little more about Haley Morris. Haley is continuing to work hard at lacrosse. Recently, she scored her first varsity goal! Keep reading The Banner to get the latest on all of Ramlax and more!