RamLax Weekly Update

Last Tuesday the Harriton Girl’s lacrosse team took on Ridley at home. Both teams were quick to score, and after 3 minutes the game was tied 2-2. However, the Rams quickly extended their lead to 9-4 with 8 minutes remaining in the half. The score was 13-4 at halftime. Ramlax kept their lead throughout the rest of the game and finished the game with a score of 20-9. Alex Ladda helped the team on offense by controlling the draw. The Rams were helped by great offense by Jane Henderson and Laura Lasprogata, and admirable defense by Claudia Conrad and Olivia Tevis.

On Thursday, the rams took on their classic central league rival- Radnor. The Rams fought bravely, but couldn’t seem to convert offensive possession into offensive goals. At halftime they trailed 4-6, and ended the game with a final score of 8-11. Hopefully Harriton girls’ lacrosse will be able to get the better of Radnor HS during the post-season!