The Mindy Project Season 2 Premiere

The shocking season one finale of The Mindy Project hit us with jaw-dropping changes.  Mindy Lahari, the diva OB/GYN, had cut her hair and was leaving with her boyfriend Casey to work in Haiti for a year.  While everything was changing for Mindy, life was also changing for her coworker Danny Castellano, as he moved back in with his ex-wife.

Many sneak peaks of this premiere made the wait for season two very hard.  While FOX premiered the first episode early for Xfinity members, the long awaited season two officially premiered on September 17th, which revealed many plot twists!  Some — but not all — of the surprises are revealed below!

The episode opens with Mindy writing a letter to Danny about her new life in Haiti with Casey.  The focus then switches to Danny’s life back in New York City in the office with their usual coworkers, plus a new doctor played by guest star James Franco.  Franco’s character, Paul Leotard, completely replaces Mindy.

Back in Haiti, Casey proposes to Mindy, upon which she admits, “I want to vine this!”  There’s no spoiler here as to how she responds, but she does wind up in the hospital back in New York City.  All of her coworkers surround her, and Dr. Jeremy Reed admits he has an over-eating problem (which is quite evident due to his ginormous gut).  Casey suggests they have a small wedding in two days, unlike Mindy’s usual style to want a big fancy celebration.  To find out everything else that happened in this shocking premiere make sure to catch it online at!  And don’t forget to watch the rest of season two on Tuesdays at 9:30/8:30c on FOX.