Interstellar Movie Review



Matthew McConaughey as Cooper in “Interstellar.” (TNS)

It’s the time of the year when great films are released and shown on the big screen. The constant bombardments of trailers and reviews can become overwhelming when deciding which film to actually see. If you are looking for an action/adventure, Si-Fi thriller with incredible movie magic, you should consider seeing the movie Interstellar.

By this point in time, you have probably seen a trailer for Interstellar. It is the one filled with intense music, loud noises, some crying, and images of space. However, after viewing the trailer many people wonder, “what the heck are Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey doing in space?” Hopefully this can clear it up for you.

The movie begins in the distant future on Earth where the audience is introduced to Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), a former NASA pilot and engineer, and his family. Cooper is a farmer, much like the rest of the citizens of the world. Farming is the most important job in the world since the Earth can no longer sustain human life because resources are running low. Humans are fighting a war against Mother Nature, and failing horribly.

With the help of his daughter Murph (named after Murphy’s Law), Cooper discovers the world’s best-kept secret: the remnants of NASA. There, astrophysicists are working to find a way to evacuate the human race from their home planet to a new planet capable of sustaining human life.

The movie is titled Interstellar, meaning occurring or situated between stars, due to the fact that on the hunt for a new planet, astronauts must travel to a different galaxy via a black hole located near Saturn. The new galaxy contains five different planets, three of which hold the promise of the ability to sustain human life. With a limited amount of fuel and time, the crew must figure out which of the three planets will be their new home.

The science in Interstellar is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity. Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum is independent of the motion of all observers. Therefore, space and time is re-interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time. The important thing to understand is that events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at a different time for another.

Throughout the film, as the astronauts travel through space, one hour on a massive planet could be equivalent to a few years on Earth. As the crew explores a world beyond their own galaxy they must make decisions that determine if the human race will be saved or if they will ever see their loved ones again.

There are countless plot-twists and suspense-filled moments that keep the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the entire film. Interstellar is a must-see film (in IMAX!) if you enjoy action, Si-Fi, and space.