Coronavirus Self-Care Guide

Coronavirus Self-Care Guide

While it may be tempting to spend your “corona-cation” days binging television and playing video games, your time is better spent being productive and feeling accomplished at the end of the day. While you need to include your remote classwork in your day, don’t forget to take care of yourself Follow some of the suggestions on this guide to prioritize school work, get in a quick workout, and most importantly, focus on self-care. 

8 am: Wake Up & Fuel Up! It is important to not stray too far off your regular sleep schedule, as hard as it may be. Drink a glass of lemon water to feel refreshed for the day. Eat a healthy breakfast, filled with fruits and protein, to fuel you up for a productive day! Smoothies, omelets, and yogurt are all healthy options and will keep you energized throughout the day. 

8:30 am: Exercise & Energize! Get your body moving, whether through cardio, a power-walk, or a light jog. Cardio will strengthen your muscles and ensure a good night’s sleep. A power-walk is the perfect alternative for those who prefer an activity that is not too strenuous. A light-jog is the best way to clear your mind and spend time in nature. If you choose to workout outside, be sure to social distance yourself from others!

9:15 am: Spa Hour! This is the time to perfect and create the ultimate skincare routine, fit for you! First, you cleanse, followed by a toner. Then you grab your spot treatment, to get rid of dark spots and acne. Lastly, get a moisturizer. Trust me, when I say that this is going to get your face glowing and your body in the right mind for the rest of the day. If you wish to pamper yourself and go the extra mile, turn on a diffuser with your favorite essential oils. This will make your room feel less-stuffy and suffocating while you work throughout the day.

10:15 am: Be Productive! During the next 45 minutes, find a beneficial activity to cross something off of your to-do list. Achieving school work, reading a good novel, and cleaning your room are all effective uses of your time. Take advantage of the fact that you are home to get ahead on extra school work or organize your desk or read that new book sitting on your shelf. Physically making a list is very effective as it makes you feel accomplished. 

11 am: Socialize! Although you cannot see your friends or peers face-to-face, they are only a call away! Facetime your bestie, take a walk with your dog, and spend quality time with your siblings… all while remaining at least 6 feet apart. 

11:45 am: Nourishment! After a very busy morning, you want to ensure that you are feeding your body. Avocado toast with eggs, pasta, or a hearty salad, are wholesome options to give in to your cravings, all while maintaining a healthy state. Drink another glass of water, at least twenty ounces, to keep yourself hydrated. 

1 pm: Find a Hobby! Get those paintbrushes, basketballs, books… whatever it may be, cultivate a new hobby! Watercoloring, playing sports, creating a study playlist, trying a new recipe, bullet journaling, playing a board game… the list goes on. The goal is to get your creative juices flowing and make yourself busy, during a time where resorting to video games and tik-tok is tempting and inevitable. Make sure you prioritize doing things away from the screen, as it is better for your mind and body. 

2:30 pm: Rest & Relaxation! Take this time to hit the snooze button and hit the pillow… you deserve it! Putting on music or a podcast in the background can stimulate the mind while giving your brain a chance to shut off. Make sure not to get into a deep sleep as you need the rest of the day!

4 pm: Deep Clean-Out! Take advantage of this time at home and do a massive clean-out. Go room by room and make three piles: the “keep” pile, the “donate” pile and the “trash” pile. Ensure that the items in the keep pile are ones that “bring you joy”, as Marie Kondo would suggest. Hanging up artwork, finding a new color palette for your room, and wiping down dusty surfaces will guarantee an instant refresh!

5:10 pm: Screen-time! Yes! It is important to allow yourself some time to find a funny Youtube video, make a trendy tik-tok, watch a Netflix show, or get inspired on Pinterest. This time is a good chance to find a new series or your new favorite movie… all in moderation (ie. no binging). I recommend also staying up to date on the latest in current events, as it is very essential to stay informed during this time. 

6 pm: Dinner Time! Dinner is a perfect chance to reflect on your day with friends and family. Whether gathered around a table with your fam or having a facetime dinner with your friends, try some conversation starters or sharing funny stories.  

7:20 pm: Break out the Board Games! Getting into a good board game is one of the best ways to spend your night. Whether a solo game of solitaire or a huge game (less than ten people) of Apples to Apples, games always promise a good time. 

8:00 pm: Indulge 🙂 For those foodies out there, grab the sprinkles, marshmallows, strawberries, whipped cream… any favorite toppings and get to work on a masterpiece! Find your ideal canvas, such as a waffle, brownie, plain cookies, ice cream, and start to indulge!

8:35 pm: Wash up & Hit the Pillow! Practice the skin-care routine you created early, take a shower, change into comfy sweatpants, and get nestled in bed. Reflect on your day, perhaps in a journal or just in your mind, and how you made the most of it, accomplishing your to-do list, tying loose ends of a project, or burning some calories. Good night 🙂