LMSD Embarks On Hybrid Learning

LMSD Embarks On Hybrid Learning

On October 19th, LMSD students returned to school buildings for the first time since March for the new Hybrid Learning Plan. Some students opted out of the hybrid model and are continuing to attend school virtually. For those who went back to school in person, it will be a year like no other.

Administrators have established many guidelines to keep students and teachers safe. All students must self-check for COVID symptoms every morning, completing the criteria provided by the district. Everyone in the building must wear masks at all times, which can only be removed during teacher coordinated mask breaks or lunch.

The seats in the classroom are socially distanced. Lunch is also different this year, as Lunch and Learn has been replaced by three separate 30-minute slots to eat. Students are only permitted to eat in the cafeteria or Ram gym. If students choose to buy lunch, they must pre-order online by midnight the evening before.

After a week of hybrid learning, there are a lot of different reactions highlighting the pros and cons of the system. A student who opted for all virtual learning described the experience as “sad,” as they must remain at home. This student also expressed how hard it is to be at home all week on a computer with very few breaks.

However, the overall consensus from the students who are participating in the hybrid learning model is that it is well organized and working. This also made it easier for new students to meet others, as one remarked, “it’s nice to be able to meet new people and make new friends.” 

Teachers also seem to agree that they are excited to be back in the classroom with students. Having started the year in the classroom by themselves, many staff felt it was more difficult and wanted their students to come back. One Harriton teacher said their favorite part about teaching in-person was they were able to build “yearly relationships with [their]  students and [see] them utilize their gifts in their future endeavors.”

However, they recognize the difficulties that the Hybrid model poses. One teacher stated that the system is, “challenging for students on the Zoom-side of class and physically grueling for teachers and students at school.” Still, this teacher believes that it is very beneficial for students and teachers to be together in person.