California is Banning the Sale of Gas Cars by 2035



Climate change has become an increasingly devastating issue all over the world, affecting various places such as the Arctic, Australia, and parts of the US. While the northernmost region of the Earth is battling with skyrocketing temperatures that are melting glaciers and ice sheets, Australia and California are fighting against raging wildfires.


Carbon pollution is the leading cause of the climate change crisis. Carbon pollution occurs through the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline, a necessary component in all gas cars. When burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere where it builds up and prevents heat from escaping our planet.


The significant rise in temperature occurring around the globe has prompted the state of California to take action. After President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act on August 16, 2022, California took a historic step against climate change, enacting a law that prohibits the sale of gas powered cars starting in 2035.


The new rule will drive automakers to hasten the production of cleaner, zero-emission vehicles in 2026 in order to meet California’s goal by 2035. Currently, about 16 percent of all new cars sold in California are emission-free. The law commands that this percentage increases to 35 percent in 2026, 68 percent in 2030, and finally 100 percent by 2035. Manufacturers who do not meet these targets will be required to pay a fine. 


This rule only pertains to newly manufactured cars. People who are already in possession of gas cars will not be forced to give them up. 


Other states are likely to follow California’s lead, as it is the biggest auto market in the United States. At least 15 states, including New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, have followed California on previous clean-car standards. 


California’s new policy brings the possibility of reversing the damage of climate change and creating hope for a greener future.