Goals for Success

Goals provide direction, a drive for people to accomplish what may sometimes seem impossible. There are many different people that fill the halls of Harriton High School, all with different motives. Whether they range from walking the dog, eating healthy or placing first in a school-wide competition, these goals are responsible for the drive in humans, and frankly, without them, the world would not be as motivated to succeed.
It is very important to stay focused, even as the second half of the year is upon us. Therefore, I spoke with a teacher, two hard-working students, our class president, and an administrator about their goals for the second semester of this school year. Read on for a look into these students and adults’ personal hopes for these last several months of school.
Mr. Warren: Social Studies Teacher, Lead Teacher for Model UN
- Maintain a balance between school duties and my responsibilities outside of school.
- Enjoy success at the Philadelphia Model United Nations Conference with Harriton’s awesome team
- Ride my bicycle to work more often
- Spend more time with Ruby! (Mr. Warren’s daughter)
Emma Danz: Class President, Head of the Lights Department in HTC
- Figure out where I’m going to college! I am eagerly awaiting decision days and excited to make the right choice for the next chapter of my life.
- Program a show using intelligent lights. It’s my goal, for my last ever HTC show to get these crazy and cool moving lights up and running. They are very difficult to set up and maneuver, but gotta go out with a bang after all!
- Get my IB diploma. As tempting as it is to throw in the towel, I’m committed to the long hours spent preparing for those exams in May. Too bad they stopped giving out pins with the piece of paper!
- Eat 3 meals a day(I’m averaging 1.5, so I don’t think it is doing wonders for my health.)
- Relax and enjoy it! For all of the seniors, really. It’s been a long four years, and I think we’d be doing ourselves a disservice if we didn’t stop to enjoy these moments with each other.
Ms. Marcuson: Administrator
- Build the best master schedule possible that students get the maximum number of requests and that teachers have schedules they love too
- Heal from a current sports injury, get back to running and working out
- Train for another ½ marathon for the fall
- Be more thoughtful and be a better listener. Sometimes I am so eager to solve a problem that I jump in too quickly. So slowing down, listening and understanding.
Valentina Spadea(Junior): Running for Vice President, Active Member in Student Council
- I would love to be Vice President.
- See Mr. Harriton come together as success
- Be able to get as high an ACT score as I can
- It would be ideal if I could finalize my list of colleges that I will be applying to
- Sleep at least 7 hours every night (or almost every night).
Sam Catania(Sophomore): HHSTV Reporter, Running for Secretary, Active Member in TSA
- Put friends and family first. Always.
- Eat healthy and exercise (run) as much as possible because exercise makes you feel good.
- Place high in video events in TSA (Technology Student Association) conferences
- Run a successful Student Council Secretary campaign.
- Get more sleep!!
These goals all sound very promising. Thank you all for sharing your goals, and hopefully these will inspire the entire Harriton body to accomplish their own goals come June. Remember, even if these dreams never become a reality, it is important to stay persistent and always work for it!

Goldie Beck is excited to serve as an Executive Editor for The Harriton Banner. When not writing and editing, Goldie hosts her HarritonTV series Herd It...